Hotline : 080 220 0005
Email : pp@ppss.co.th

Datapaq & PhoenixTM l Data Logger

Thru-process data loggers have been designed to operate within hostile environments that require high levels of accuracy. It is therefore important that the loggers are not only checked for accuracy within a laboratory/office environment but also in ovens operating at similar temperatures that the logger might experience in a heat treatment process.
EasyTrack, XL, Multipaq, Q18, TPAQ Data Logger
Datapaq Calibration Service
We offers Datapaq standard calibration through 5 processes accordingly :
- 20 hours thermal stress testing (Heat-Cycle-Test)
- Temperature stability test
- Electronic calibration of the data logger
- Adjustment the error
- Issue calibration certificate
Datapaq also perform preventive maintenance program (PM) suchas exchange of small defective parts, rechargeable battery, interfaces and sockets for all data logger in Thailand returned via PP Systems.
Calibration Explain VDO Click!

PTM1200 & PTM2100 Series
PTM Calibraion Service
All PTM data Loggers are calibrated on equipment that is traceable to national standards (UKAS), and are supplied with standard calibration certificates or ISO 17025 (DAkkS) standards at additional cost.
We offers PTM standard calibration through 5 steps below :
- 13 hours thermal stress testing (Heat-Cycle-Test)
- Temperature stability test
- Electronic calibration of the data logger
- Adjustment the error
- Issue calibration certificate
PhoenixTM also perform preventive maintenance program (PM) such as exchange of small defective parts, interfaces and sockets for all data logger in Thailand returned via PP Systems.
CAL-I-XXX Explain VDO Click!

PTM1200 & PTM2100 Series
PP Systems Calibration Service
We offer several choices of both local calibration service and factory standard calibration.
The PheonixTM data loggers are allowed local registered accredit lab to perform calibration service with error adjustment according to calibration plan below :